Donatello Obra Mais Famosa

เว็บartista florentino do renascimento italiano, donato di niccolò di betto bardi, conhecido pelo diminutivo donatello, é considerado um dos maiores escultores de. เว็บdonatello's statue outside of the uffizi galleria. Donato di niccolò di betto bardi. 13 de dezembro de 1466; Trabajó todos los materiales, el bronce que aprendió con ghiberti, el mármol con el que experimentó en las obras de la catedral de santa maría. List of all 16 obras de arte. เว็บartista florentino do renascimento italiano, donato di niccolò di betto bardi, conhecido pelo diminutivo donatello, é considerado um dos maiores escultores de. เว็บentre sus obras más importantes se encuentran el david de bronce en el museo del bargello, el púlpito exterior de la catedral de prato, la estatua ecuestre de gattamelata en. Escultura de são marcos, florença; Tabernáculo de são jorge, museu nacional do bargello, em florença;.

Donatello Obra Mais Famosa

Донателло — биография Донателло, самые известные произведения

เว็บlas 10 obras de donatello más importantes. Dadas las connotaciones bíblicas, sociales y mitológicas david fue tema. 1440) es seguramente la obra más conocida de donatello. Su elegante desnudez fue el modelo para los escultores del renacimiento,. เว็บuma de suas obras mais famosas é “são jorge”, sua primeira encomenda de maior relevância, encomendada pela associação dos armeiros e destinada para um nicho do. เว็บnascido em florença, na itália, no ano de 1386, donato di niccoló di betto bardi, mais conhecido como donatello, foi um escultor ícone do renascimento,. เว็บmejores obras de donatello. Este artista se destacó por su fuerte innovación en la escultura monumental y en la ejecución de relieves de gran profundidad. เว็บlogo após o seu regresso a florença em 1408, completou a sua primeira estátua de david. Uma obra em mármore em tamanho natural, este david tem pouca semelhança com a.

Donatello Obra Mais Famosa
donatello duomo magdalene penitent florenz 1453 niezlasztuka quattrone museumsinflorence
Donatello Obra Mais Famosa
donatello gattamelata condottiero obras escultores sus merece abrill


เว็บa obra mais famosa de donatello é a estátua de bronze de david, criada por volta de 1440. Esta estátua representa o herói bíblico david, que matou golias. เว็บda circunavegação do mundo à descoberta do sistema solar, da beleza do davi de michelangelo à perfeição da mona lisa de leonardo, do gênio de. เว็บo artista é considerado o mais importante renascentista de florença, na itália. A donatello é atribuída a fundação da escultura moderna, sendo considerado um dos mais geniais.

David by Donatello

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Learn more about Donatello's two sculptures of David, one in bronze and another in marble. There is also a gallery of other famous David paintings and sculptures from the Renaissance and Baroque periods.

00:00 Introduction

Italian Renaissance artist Donatello produced two different sculptures based on the biblical figure of David.

They would become amongst his most famous creations and also influence a number of Renaissance sculptors who followed on in the next few decades.

00:34 Marble version

The marble version from 1408 shows how Donatello worked in his early period.

This was Donatello's first documented commission and he was already very accomplished in his abilities, even whilst just in his early twenties.

David stands with an aura of self confidence as he leans over slightly with a hand resting on his waist.

The head of Goliath is resting under his foot, though without any emotion in his face, it is hard to connect to the battle that has just been won.

In this version he is fully clothed, and this offers us an insight into how Donatello was able to produce lifelike drapery within his sculptures.

01:25 Bronze version

The artist's second sculpture of David is dated from around the 1430s to 1440s. David wears only his helmet and boots in this depiction. It is made entirely from bronze.

Many elements of this sculpture offered a return to the style of ancient art, and it is this version which has become much more famous today.

In this truly charismatic pose, David holds Goliath's sword by his side, whilst holding down his severed head under his left foot.

Renaissance sculpture was often about bringing emotion into the faces of each subject, and in this particular piece we see David giving out a subtle smile as he looks down to the ground.

The concept of something or someone overcoming overwhelming odds provides inspiration that remains timeless. It is specifically the triumph of good over evil, thanks to the intervention of God, that makes this such a symbolic tale.

David receives strength from God which enables him to defeat his much larger opponent with just a small sling. Having stunned Goliath he then uses the giant's own sword to behead him and confirm victory.

The composition places David just after his battle, seemingly relaxed and relieved to have prevailed against a formidable opponent.

02:59 Present Location of the Sculptures

Both the bronze and marble sculptures can be found today in the Bargello in Florence, Italy.

03:13 Other Artist's Interpretations of David

Donatello was certainly not the only artist to include David within their oeuvre, and this iconic figure appears many times within the careers of both sculptors and painters.

They would each impart their own innovations and flair upon this topic, featuring different elements of his life and also covering the same stories in a different way.

Listed in this gallery are some of the most famous depictions of David by other artists besides Donatello, with a strong focus on the Renaissance and Baroque periods of European art.

All images are courtesy of Wikipedia.

เว็บdavid del bargello é uma das obras mais famosas de donatello, senão a mais. É uma escultura redonda esculpida em bronze. เว็บmarina abramović encena ritmo 0 em 1974. Um dos artistas da nova geração que se apresenta no evento é cassils, artista trans que usa seu corpo para.