If you do not include a. The past continuous is used for actions that occurred at a specific time in the past. To express actions that were in the process of making or. The when you talk about things in the past, when is most often. Form [was/were + present participle] 2. • i was watching tv when she called. In the past continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action. เว็บpast continuous use used to talk about actions in progress at a specific moment in the past. Form affirmative subject + was / were + ving she was playing. Important in the simple past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished.
proyecto de ingles: Mapa conceptual Past continuous
In the past continuous, a specific time only interrupts the. Past perfect continuous is used to give a reason or explain an event that happened before another event in the past. An action contitinue up to the. เว็บbaixe todos os mapas mentais sobre mapa mental sobre past continuous. Clique no botão abaixo para fazer o download เว็บo past continuous (passado contínuo), também conhecido como past progressive (passado progressivo), é um tempo verbal utilizado para indicar ações contínuas que. When do we use it? Puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past example: I was making a cake. Two actions happening at the same time (in the past).
เว็บtake a look at our interactive learning mind map about past continuous, or create your own mind map using our free cloud based mind map maker. เว็บmind map by sabrina romero, updated more than 1 year ago 242 0 0 resource summary past continuous form i / he / she / it positive i was (verb) ing. Negative i was not. เว็บinício » mapas mentais » mapa mental do past continuous. Mapa mental do past continuous.
Inglês para Adultos com PNL e Neurociência, clique no link abaixo:
Sabe quando alguém te pergunta "Como foi o seu final de semana?" ou "Como foi a sua viagem?"
Vem aprender como você faz para responder essas e outras perguntas usando o Past Continuous.
🎞️ Assista também:
Present Continuous - youtu.be/N59dxrYoUQs
Present Perfect - youtu.be/0Vh18I21QcU
Simple Past - youtu.be/RYAmGVI_C_4
👇🏻 Sobre o vídeo:
O Past Continuous é uma ação que estava acontecendo em algum momento do passado e para você montar as frases você vai utilizar o Verbo To Be + ING.
Então já assisti esse vídeo que você vai aprender tudo sobre o Past Continuous e sair falando por ai como foi o seu final de semana, a sua viagem e tudo que aconteceu 🤣
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19 de setembro de 2023 8 de dezembro de 2022. เว็บwe use the past continuous to talk about the past: For something which happened before and after another action: The children were doing their homework when i got home. เว็บo mapa mental do passado contínuo é uma ferramenta útil para quem quer aprender a usar esse tempo verbal da língua inglesa. Esse tempo verbal é formado pelo verbo “to be” no. Interrupted action in the past. I was watching tv when she called. Two actions happening at the same time. I was studying while he was.