Naturalista holandês nascido em 1632 e falecido em 1723. Realizou importantes descobertas no domínio da biologia. เว็บseu nome era antonie van leeuwenhoek e ele viveu de 1632 a 1723. Embora sem formação científica, van leeuwenhoek se tornou o maior fabricante de. เว็บhe was made a fellow of the royal society in 1679 (1680 n. s. ), a correspondent of the paris academy of sciences in 1699, and in 1716 the university of louvain presented. เว็บantonie van leeuwenhoek, (born oct. 24, 1632, delft, neth. —died aug. 26, 1723, delft), dutch microscopist. In his youth he was apprenticed to a draper; A later civil position.
Conheça as descobertas de Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, o pai da
Narodil se do vážené, dobře situované měšťanské rodiny v delftu. Otec brzy zemřel, antoni ukončil školu v šestnácti letech. Zprvu byl zaměstnán v amsterdamu v obchodě s. Delft, netherlands, 24 october 1632; Delft, 26 august 1723), natural sciences, microscopy. Leeuwenhoek was the son of. Related amongst great medicine inventions, the microscope, created at the beginning of 17th century, made possible the. เว็บantony van leeuwenhoek is considered the first microbiologist. Some of his original letters can be read here. เว็บanton van leeuwenhoek foi um comerciante holandês e cientista.
Ele é comumente conhecido como “o pai da microbiologia”, e considerado o primeiro microbiologista. Relacionado entre as grandes invenções da medicina, o microscópio, criado no início do século xvii, possibilitou o. เว็บa microbiologia como conhecemos nos dias atuais só foi possível quando no ano de 1674 o alemão antony van leeuwenhoek criou o primeiro microscópio. เว็บantony van leeuwenhoek was an unlikely scientist. A tradesman of delft, holland, he came from a family of tradesmen, had no fortune, received no higher education or university.
A história de Antonie Leeuwenhoek.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek é conhecido pelas suas contribuições para o melhoramento do microscópio, além de ter contribuído com as suas observações para a biologia celular.
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Atualizado em 21 de julho de 2019. Antonie van leeuwenhoek was born on october 24, 1632, in the small city of delft in the dutch republic. His father was philips antonisz van. The dutchman made over 500 microscopes,. Ia disebut sebagai bapak biologi, dan dianggap.
- A história de Antonie Leeuwenhoek. (Read More)